More than childcare

“There are three teachers of children- adults, other children and their physical environment.”

Loris Malaguzzi

Our early childhood education and care philosophy is inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach, which views children as capable, creative and intelligent and the adult’s role to challenge, guide and support.

Our Values

  • Partnerships. We are more than a childcare provider.

    Our passion is for the children of Chinchilla. This commitment to our local children means that our partnership with you will surpass your experience with other childcare providers. We are here for you 100% of the time, with whatever you need. We know that parenting is hard and will navigate through that minefield with you. We know you are trusting us with your most precious people, not just while you are at work, but out in the community as well. We are intentional in forming that relationship with both your child and your family so we can support you through this stage of life.

  • Transparency. Want to know what we do with our profits? We’re happy to share that information with you. Want to join your child for the whole day? Come on in! We are a Chinchilla-owned company, so all your questions can be answered right here.

  • Excellence. We only hire the best educators. (Just check out the employment questionnaire in the “Work For Us” section!). Our educators are highly trained with continuing professional development. We are committed to continued professional excellence in the program that we deliver. It will always reflect the latest evidence-based research on what is best for your child.

Service Philosophy

“Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.” – CS Lewis

  Children are the best of humanity. At The Cubby House Community, our principles and practices reflect this belief.

  We believe that all children are capable and curious. They actively construct their own understanding and contribute to others’ learning (EYLF p10). Children have an innate desire and ability to learn and form positive relationships. Children learn through unstructured play, intentional environments and the freedom to explore the world around them, in partnership with other children and through meaningful connections with adults (Loris Malaguzzi)

“Play builds cognitive knowledge by offering countless opportunities for sustained attention, problem solving, symbolic representation…memory development, and hypothesis testing.” (Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Kathy Golinkoff, Roberta Michnick, Laura Berk, Dorothy Singer)

  Children develop at individual rates. We are intentional about being inclusive and supporting partnerships with para-professionals. We adapt our environment and practices so that every child can participate and experience success.

“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” (Ignacio Estrada) 

  Educators have the role of scaffolding children’s learning and development through conversation (Allan Collins), setting up intentional environments (Loris Malaguzzi) and responsiveness. They draw on their professional judgements, creativity, intuition and imagination to improvise and adjust their program and practice as needed for the benefit of the children. (EYLF p12)

“Learning and teaching should not stand on opposite banks and just watch the river flow by; instead, they should embark together on a journey down the water. Through an active, reciprocal exchange, teaching can strengthen learning how to learn.” (Loris Malaguzzi)

   Families play a crucial role in children’s development. Parents are a child’s first educators. Through forming intentional partnerships with families and the wider community, we can more effectively support our community’s most precious resource (EYLF p13).

  Through unstructured play, intentional environments, positive relationships and meeting individual children’s needs, we aim to support the whole development of the child to an excellent standard.

Ready to take the next step?

Is your child ready for care? This is an entirely individual experience- every child and every parent will react to a childcare environment differently.

Here are some signs that your child is ready for care:

  • they are able to play independently, without your support

  • they are able to communicate their needs (verbally or non-verbally)

  • they are generally happy to be cared for by other significant adults in their lives (eg, not just mum)

  • they sleep well (self-settle in a cot/on a bed)

  • they eat well (babies accept bottles from other adults, toddlers manage to self-feed with minimal support)

  • they respond to simple safety directions from adults (eg, stop, don’t touch)

To enrol, you will need:

  • your child’s immunisation statement

  • your child’s full birth certificate

  • your child’s CRN

  • your CRN

  • If your child has a medical condition, information from their doctor - a medical management plan, an asthma/anaphylaxis action plan (we can help with these)

“Each child is unique and the protagonist of his or her own growth. Children desire to acquire knowledge, have much capacity for curiosity and amazement, and yearn to create relationships with others and communicate.”

— Loris Malaguzzi